One of my biggest transgressions, and you and I have this in common, is to have been at the original 1969 Woodstock Festival. Interestingly, we celebrated its 54th anniversary a week ago, and it seems to me that it has become much less of a transgression in the eyes of others now than it was back then, specially when you put it in the context of the political upheavals of the time with the Vietnam War and political assassinations. Sometimes it feels like people think that it's more important to be a surviving dinosaur of the event than to have been at the event itself. Maybe it's just me getting substantially older, but the optics definitely change with time, and what used to be a transgression is now taught in high school history books as being a major event of the american culture of the 20th century. Transgression legitimized.

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So true! And wasn’t that a fine time!

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A favorite transgression of my early adolescence was sneaking downstairs to watch TV late at night while my parents were asleep. When I was in 7th grade, I kept hearing about this hilarious new show called Saturday Night Live. Curious, I set my alarm for 11:25pm, and turned on the TV with the volume way down low. I ended up doing this for a couple of years, until one night when my mom came down the stairs. For a moment, I thought I was in big trouble. But she was curious about the show as I had been. We ended up watching the show together for the next couple of years.

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So you and your mom were transgressive together! Perfect! But SNL is hardly radical!

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Wonderful Cathy... (o:

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