I remember caring for my mother-in-law’s dog, a Tibetan terrier named Bertie. I would walk him with our Siberian husky, Cody. Cody would stop to lift his leg, then Bertie would do the same, obliterating Cody’s scent. Eventually, Cody caught on to what Bertie was up to. He lifted his leg, and waited for Bertie to do the same. Then Cody lifted his leg and urinated on Bertie’s head. To witness this act of canine retribution was hilarious.
I just got a puppy- last Monday on Canadian thanksgiving. We lost our last dog almost 2 years ago and mourned her greatly but I’ve been in need of joy and dogs are it for me. I’ve always had cats and I adore them but except for the odd cat in my past I’ve never got the consistent affection and joy that a dog brings. Your essay says it all. Thank you.
I remember caring for my mother-in-law’s dog, a Tibetan terrier named Bertie. I would walk him with our Siberian husky, Cody. Cody would stop to lift his leg, then Bertie would do the same, obliterating Cody’s scent. Eventually, Cody caught on to what Bertie was up to. He lifted his leg, and waited for Bertie to do the same. Then Cody lifted his leg and urinated on Bertie’s head. To witness this act of canine retribution was hilarious.
I just got a puppy- last Monday on Canadian thanksgiving. We lost our last dog almost 2 years ago and mourned her greatly but I’ve been in need of joy and dogs are it for me. I’ve always had cats and I adore them but except for the odd cat in my past I’ve never got the consistent affection and joy that a dog brings. Your essay says it all. Thank you.
Wonderful dearest Cathy...I'm going to pass this on to a friend who would agree with you utterly...Cheers...(o:
Really enjoyed. Ive been a ‘dog person’ and then not. Too difficult to travel. But you reminded me of the pleasure of their company.
we are available for dog sitting anytime!