I can only envy your your ability to sleep deeply. What a pleasure it would be. On the rare occasions when I can, it's life-altering. But usually it's more aspirational than actual.

ChatGPT tells us that hygge is pronounced hoo-gah. But that's not my recollection after hours spent with drunken Danes. I never heard anyone pronounce it like that. Let's find a Dane to settle this.

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see above!

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Perhaps you'd sleep better if you didn't spend hours with drunken Danes! (Joke) If it's any consolation, many of my friends have trouble sleeping. I find pot is good for sleep--but they don't. For me, I sometimes smoke a joint, and an hour later I'm ready to go back to bed. But cannabis has an extraordinary variability in its effects and this doesn't work for everyone.

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Thanks, Catherine. I enjoyed your piece.

I realize that sleeping well is a blessing. I need exactly 7 hours (with two excursions to the bathroom) and all goes well if I stick to the pattern of going to bed at the same time. I have lived in Ecuador over 9 years and have built the habit of reading a fiction book before shutting off the light. Twenty minutes of a nice story and I am out.

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Yes, going to sleep and waking up at the same time is key, say the sleep experts. I wish they could find a way to prolong the just-before-sleep experience!

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By now I thought someone would ask me about those sheets!

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Thanks for writing this Cathy! so fascinating about needing more sleep and getting more REM sleep in winter. It definitely makes intuitive sense on some level. Reading this made me sleepy :) I love sleeping (as you know) and especially enjoy the edges of it. <3

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Thanks Shadia. I like to add science to my posts when I can! Yes, those edges . . .

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