
Yes, it does apply to other hallucinogens! And yes, try again.

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Loved this story but couldn’t tolerate the “gas”! However your descriptions of trying to recreate or explain the bliss and truths that occur when high feel relatable for most drug highs. Maybe I should give the “gas” another try!

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“Because they can’t say ‘little prick’!” Or in Traitor Trump's case, "mushroom prick" (according to Stormy Daniels).

Never had N2O.

Do not use chronically, however: 'Most recreational users are unaware of its neurotoxic effects when abused. When used chronically, nitrous oxide has the potential to cause neurological damage through inactivation of vitamin B12.'

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The one time I had a root canal, my dentist refused to give me nitrus oxide. I feel deprived now!

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